A Fresh New Look at Custom Design Hair
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A Fresh New Look at Custom Design Hair

We are thrilled to announce that we have updated our color palette and logo for a fresh and modern look. Change is an integral part of growth, and as a company dedicated to helping individuals regain their self-confidence through hair restoration, we believe that this change plays a crucial role in our mission.

The Power of a New Color Palette

The colors a company chooses can speak volumes about its values and vision. We felt it was time for a change that better reflected our mission to inspire and support people on their journey toward greater self-confidence through hair restoration. We've selected a new color palette that signifies success, achievement, elegance, sophistication, and timelessness.

Warm Gold

Warm gold represents success and achievement. Our client's success stories are our greatest achievement, and this color celebrates their journey toward renewed confidence and self-esteem.


The color black can symbolize elegance, sophistication, and timelessness. It represents a classic and versatile choice that conveys a sense of confidence and strength. 

A Fresh New Logo: A Symbol of Transformation

A logo is the face of a company, and our new design is a reflection of our growth. Our logo's transformation is not just a design update; it's a statement of our continuous pursuit of growth in the field of hair restoration.

Why the Change?

In a world where beauty and self-confidence play an increasingly important role, we wanted our brand to mirror the transformative journey we offer our clients. The new color palette and logo better reflect our commitment to providing personalized solutions that empower individuals to regain their self-esteem.

We understand that hair loss can be a sensitive issue, and at Custom Design Hair we are dedicated to ensuring our clients feel comfortable, confident, and rejuvenated through our services. Our refreshed look is a symbol of our ongoing dedication to helping you feel and look your best.

We invite you to join us on this journey of new beginnings by scheduling your initial consultation or contacting us today.