How to Care for Your Hair as You Age
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How to Care for Your Hair as You Age

Your body experiences many changes as you age, and your hair is no exception. Over time, both men and women naturally experience shifts in color, texture, and fullness. Fortunately, there are things you can do to care for, support, and promote hair growth as you age.

What Changes Can You Expect to Your Hair?

To better understand how to care for your hair, it is crucial to know the changes that take place. As mentioned above, they are three changes you can expect as you get older: color, texture, and fullness.

Change in Color

As you age, it is natural for your hair color to go from black, brown, red, or blonde to gray. A shift to gray isn’t due to your hair suddenly changing color; rather, it is a lack of color pigment. As you age, hair follicles begin producing less pigment, which causes hair to become gray, then silver, and eventually white, signifying a complete lack of pigment.

The time it takes for this shift to occur varies from person to person. Some individuals see their first gray hairs in their 20s, while others may be in their 40s before the first signs of gray emerge.


It is normal as you age for your hair to change texture. Hair follicles produce smaller strands which can turn your hair from thick and coarse to thinner and finer.


When your hair follicles produce smaller, finer strands, it causes a change in texture and fullness. You may notice that your once thick head of hair lacks the fullness it once had.

Reasons for Change

There are a couple of reasons why your hair may change as you get older. They include:

  • Hereditary – Your genes play a large part in hair changes. Looking at your family history of hair changes and loss can be a good indicator of what you can expect.
  • Medical disorders – Thyroid and endocrine disorders are two medical conditions that can interfere with normal hair growth.
  • Hormone levels – Hormones play a crucial role in hair growth. A reduction in hormone levels negatively impacts the follicles’ ability to produce healthy hair strands (e.g., menopause).
  • Nutrition – Failing to consume a balanced diet with the nutrients needed to support hair growth can result in hair loss.

Tips on Caring for Your Hair as You Age

You may not be able to stop the aging process, but you can do plenty to support healthy hair growth.

Wash Hair Only as Needed

Only wash your hair as often as needed. Daily washing can cause your hair to become dry and brittle, leading to breakage.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Protein is the primary nutrient needed for hair growth. Ensure your diet includes adequate protein and is rich in vitamins and minerals that support healthy hair growth.

Avoid Heated Styling Tools and Chemicals

Heated styling tools such as blow dryers, curling irons, and flat irons should be avoided. If they must be used, do so sparingly and on the lowest heat setting possible. If you choose to dye or chemically alter your hair, seek the services of a professional stylist who can ensure you are using the right products for your hair type.

Adequate Conditioning

It can be a challenge to keep your strands of hair moisturized. Choose high-quality products that replenish your hair’s moisture, preventing breakage.

Consult Your Medications

The side effects of some medications include hair loss. If you suspect one or more of your medications may be causing changes in your hair or even hair loss, consult with your doctor to discuss alternatives.

When It’s More Than Age

What can you do if you suspect the change in your hair, including hair loss, is due to more than age? The good news is that you have plenty of options. Custom Design Hair is the premier hair loss restoration studio in Northwest Arkansas. We offer a variety of different solutions including hair restoration systems for men and women, trichological treatments and more. We can help at every stage of hair loss. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.