Having a baby brings about a lot of changes, including experiencing hair loss postpartum. Losing hair during this time is understandably stressful and emotional. The good news is that this type of hair loss is typically not permanent, and within a year, your full head of hair will be completely restored. Let’s take a closer look at what causes postpartum hair loss and what you can do about it!
What is Postpartum Hair Loss?
Also known as telogen effluvium, postpartum hair loss is the condition that occurs when a woman loses a noticeable amount of hair shortly after giving birth. Affecting nearly half of women who have a baby, postpartum hair loss is a temporary condition that typically lasts about 6 months. Afterward, most women’s hair returns to its original volume and thickness without any intervention.
When Can You Expect Postpartum Hair Loss to Occur?
It seems only logical that postpartum hair loss happens immediately after giving birth. However, this is not the case. This type of hair loss occurs approximately three months post-birth. To better understand why, let’s briefly examine how hair growth works.
How Does Hair Growth Work?
Believe it or not, your hair is always changing in a predictable cycle that has three phases. Each individual strand of hair goes through this life cycle.
- Anagen – During this phase, hair is actively growing. Over 80% of your hair is in this phase at any given time. The anagen phase can last an average of 4 years.
- Catagen – This is a very brief transitional phase in which the hair follicles shrink in preparation for the last phase.
- Telogen – This last phase is also referred to as the “resting phase.” It lasts about three months. During this time, the hair does not grow. At the end of the telogen phase, the strand of hair falls out.
Each individual strand of hair goes through this life cycle. Not every strand is in the same phase at the same time. Otherwise, we would all go completely bald periodically.
What Causes Postpartum Hair Loss?
Your body naturally experiences drastic hormone changes during and after a pregnancy. It is these hormone changes that are responsible for postpartum hair loss, specifically estrogen.
In the last trimester, women experience an increase in estrogen levels. The higher estrogen levels prevent hair shedding. This is why many women experience thicker than normal hair during pregnancy.
However, after giving birth, estrogen levels significantly drop, which can cause a large portion of your hair to enter the resting phase of the hair growth cycle. As we mentioned above, the resting phase lasts for three months, after which those strands fall out. This is why postpartum hair loss occurs a few months after childbirth and not immediately.
Can You Prevent Postpartum Hair Loss?
Take it easy on yourself, Mama! Since it is caused by hormonal changes, there isn’t much you can do to prevent postpartum hair loss. A few helpful tips include:
- Use gentle haircare products.
- Avoid tight hairstyles such as ponytails and braids.
- Avoid applying excessive heat to your hair (flat irons, blow dryers).
- Eat a balanced diet.
Postpartum Hair Loss Solutions for You!
Understandably, you do not want to wait months for your natural hair to grow back and you don’t have to. Custom Design Hair offers solutions for women experiencing postpartum hair loss.
Toppers are a fantastic solution for women experiencing excessive hair thinning on the top of the head. Alternatively, hair extensions create a fuller look by adding volume and length. In severe cases of telogen effluvium, custom hair systems or wigs are a great alternative. Custom Design Hair can walk you through the options available and help you along your journey to getting back your healthy beautiful hair.
As the number one hair restoration studio in Northwest Arkansas, Custom Design Hair offers state-of-the-art solutions for women experiencing postpartum hair loss. Schedule your consultation today!