Millions of men and women of all ages are affected by thinning hair and hair loss. Hair loss is a common issue caused by a variety of factors and may be associated with genetic and environmental factors or be an indication of an underlying medical condition. Whatever the cause of your hair loss condition, the sooner you seek help, the sooner you can treat the issue.
Early Signs of Hair Loss
It's normal to lose some hair every day as part of the hair's natural growth cycle. Experts say that the average person loses around 150 strands of hair daily, so finding a few strands in your brush or on your pillow is no cause for alarm.
However, some early signs of hair loss include:
- Hair that is visibly thin and reveals the scalp
- A receding hairline
- Thinning or missing hair on the top of the head
- Noticeably more hair in your brush, on your clothes, or in the shower drain
If any of these signs sound familiar, seeking help from a hair loss professional is essential. One important reason to seek professional help is to protect your health. Hair loss can indicate an underlying medical condition, and diagnosing and treating the disease early is imperative.
Safe, effective solutions are available for every stage of hair loss. Still, early diagnosis offers the best opportunity to save your existing hair and regain your thick, natural, full head of hair.
Common Causes of Hair Loss
While genetics is the most common cause, some health conditions can also cause hair loss. Determining the precise cause and any contributing factors can help to stop your hair loss and enable you to address any health issues causing the issue.
Some of the common issues that can cause or contribute to hair loss include:
- Stress - Extreme physical events, such as major surgery and accidents, or mental stress, such as a death, job change, or divorce, can sometimes lead to a temporary hair loss condition called telogen effluvium. Extreme stress can force hair follicles to enter the resting phase of the growth cycle, causing hair to fall out prematurely.
- Thyroid Disease - Thyroid disease creates a hormonal imbalance in your body. An over or underactive thyroid can cause hair loss on the scalp and other body areas.
- Nutritional Deficiencies - Maintaining healthy hair follicles capable of producing strong, healthy strands of hair requires a well-balanced diet with adequate supplies of essential vitamins and minerals.
- Alopecia Areata - Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that destroys the hair follicles and causes noticeable hair loss.
- Protein Deficiency - Your body needs protein to function correctly. When your body doesn't receive adequate protein, hair growth enters a resting stage, leading to excessive shedding and hair loss.
- Iron Deficiency - Your body uses iron to produce hemoglobin, a protein that supplies oxygen to every cell in your body. When you don't have enough iron, hair follicles don't receive the oxygen and nutrients they need, resulting in poor hair growth and thinning hair.
In addition, certain medications or medical treatments, frequently wearing tight hairstyles, hot styling tools, and chemical treatments can trigger or aggravate hair loss conditions.
Why Is Early Detection of Hair Loss Important?
Early detection and treatment of hair loss conditions is critical. Not only does early detection offer the best opportunity to stop thinning hair and hair loss, but it can also identify any underlying health issues. The hair specialists at Custom Design Hair are experts at diagnosing and treating all types of hair loss at any stage.
For some clients in the early stages of hair loss or experiencing a temporary hair loss condition, custom hair extensions, toppers, or wigs are an ideal solution. Many clients experiencing advanced hair loss are interested in a more permanent solution. In these cases, a custom hair restoration system can restore their hair while accommodating their active lifestyle. Whatever the cause or stage of your hair loss, our team of experts can help.
To learn more about the importance of early detection of hair loss and to schedule your initial consultation, contact us today.