There are a number of potential causes of hair loss—some of them genetic, medically induced, or lifestyle-based. Often, what’s really responsible for your thinning hair is an unhealthy scalp. By correcting your scalp problem, you can sometimes stimulate healthy new hair growth. That’s what our services in trichology are all about. Here at Custom Design Hair in Rogers, AR, we are pleased to provide our clients with access to all the most advanced and effective scalp care solutions, allowing you to once again turn your head into a healthy environment for new hair growth.

When we talk about trichology, we are referencing the field of dermatology that concerns itself with the scalp as well as the follicles. It’s through an understanding of trichology that we’re able to offer clients clinically effective treatments, including CRLAB (formerly known as Cesare Ragazzi)—a leading name in healthy and holistic hair regrowth.

For many of our clients, trichology and scalp treatment provide a simple way to curb the effects of hair loss—and in time, to once again enjoy the hair of your dreams. We welcome you to come meet with us one on one, to ask questions, and to find out whether you’re a good candidate for trichology treatment.